Get At Me
omnisfit at gmail.com
Let’s Talk.
Feel free to include pronouns if you’d like.
Training with Tribal Strength
Omnis Fitness is part of Tribal Strength, located at:
7445 Tyler Henry Ct
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Gym Hours
Friday 2PM-8PM
Saturday 8AM-8PM
Sunday 8AM-8PM
Virtual Training also available.
omnisfit at gmail dot com
Deconstructing the fitness industrial complex:
Fitness4AllBodies | Justice Roe @fitness4allbodies
Decolonizing Fitness | Ilya Parker @decolonizing_fitness
Disabled Girls Who Lift | @disabledgirlswholift
Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness, DaShaun L. Harrison
Science of Embodiment & Movement
Trauma Informed Weightlifting | @traumainformedweightlifting
Isabelle Barter | @stronger_human
Best Gym In Indianapolis:
Broad Ripple Fit Club | @broadripplefitclub
Built by Big Red