What to Expect


We’ll talk about your history with movement, your health history, what brought you to Omnis, what equipment you have available to you, and what would make training together fun for you. For example, some athletes like to be told “suck it up, buttercup,” and some athletes like to hear “you’re amazing, keep going.” I’ve got range.


Make sure everyone’s on the same page.


I’ll share what I think will work for you, you let me know if there are parts you have questions about and anything you’d like to change.


Each workout will include a warmup, review of movements planned, workout according to your program, and a cool down.


  • 30 Minutes — $40-60

    45 Minutes — $50-75

    60 Minutes — $60-100

    Each session will focus on strength training, and depending on time available will include a warmup, conditioning, and cool down.

    If you opt for 30 minute remote sessions, please arrive to the session already warmed up. Link to warmup video will be provided.

Group Sessions

  • 60 Minutes — $80-100

    Having a workout buddy always makes it more fun, whether it’s your partner, your kid, or a friend you enjoy laughing and sweating with. Nothing bonds you quite like comparing sweat angels on the ground.


  • Omnis provides workouts through an app that includes video demonstrations of movements, written descriptions, sets and reps, and goals for each movement as well as overall individual workout which play into long-term goals. (Most common goal is to get strong, we’ll figure out the details.)

    Also includes reviewing movement technique via videos you record on your own time.

    Pricing varies depending on what you’re interested in and whether you would like it to be coupled with 1-on-1 or group training sessions.

Omnis Fitness is a creative enterprise. If the above descriptions aren’t a good fit, we’d be happy to talk about how to get you moving in a way that makes sense for you and your budget.

Coach Jack sitting next to gym do, Oreo, who is wearing a pink sweatshirt.

Let us know what you’re interested in.